95th Birthday of HM Queen Elizabeth II celebrated on BRAND NEW £5 coin!

This year, Queen Elizabeth II will celebrate her 95th birthday – making her the first ruling monarch in British history to reach this milestone!

In celebration of this incredible royal event, a UK £5 coin has been issued!

Designed by heraldic artist, Timothy Noad, the coin features the Royal Cypher ‘EIIR’ and the quote, “MY HEART AND MY DEVOTION” a nod to part of her 1957 Christmas broadcast, which was the first to be televised.

We also see the date of Her Majesty’s birth and the year 2021, highlighting the remarkable 95th anniversary year.

To secure this brand new 2021 UK Queen Elizabeth 95th Anniversary £5 for JUST £10.99 (+p&p) simply click here >>

This coin was first issued as part of the 2021 Annual Coin Set and has already been proving incredibly popular with collectors.

And when you consider the popularity of previous coins celebrating Her Majesty, we’re expecting demand for this coin to be high…

2016 UK Queen Elizabeth II 90th Birthday £5

2016 UK 90th Birthday £5. Credit: Numista.

To celebrate the 90th Birthday of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II The Royal Mint issued a new commemorative £5 coin.

This coin features a design by Christopher Hobbs, depicting nine roses, inspired by Her Majesty’s love of flowers – one for each decade of Her Majesty’s life.

You’ll notice the flowers in the wreath are each different to the next one. As this was such a personal occasion, Hobbs chose to move away from heraldic flowers and to use a more natural floral image instead.

The obverse features the fifth portrait of Her Majesty the Queen, designed by Royal Mint engraver Jody Clark.

Excitingly for collectors, Change Checker has a limited number of Official 2016 UK Queen’s 90th Birthday £5 BU packs remaining. To secure yours for JUST £30.00 (+p&p) click here >>

2006 UK Queen Elizabeth II 80th Birthday £5

This coin was issued in 2006 to commemorate Her Majesty’s 80th birthday. The reverse design by Danuta Solowiej-Wedderburn features three trumpeters with trumpet banners accompanied by the inscription Vivat Regina (long live the Queen) and the anniversary dates.

This £5 coin is the fourth rarest £5 (as of the latest mintage update in 2013) and it is incredibly popular with collectors!

Change Checker has very limited stock remaining of this coin. To secure one for your collection, click here >>

2012 UK Diamond Jubilee £5

2012 UK Diamond Jubilee £5. Credit: Numista.

In 2012, the Queen celebrated her Diamond Jubilee having reached 50 years on the throne.

This is the first coin ever struck to commemorate a Diamond Jubilee – there were no special coins for Queen Victoria’s in 1897. The obverse features a new portrait of Her Majesty crowned and wearing the robes of the Order of the Garter, created especially for the Diamond Jubilee by Ian Rank-Broadley.

Also designed by Ian Rank-Broadley, the obverse features a portrait of the young Queen Elizabeth just as she appeared in her first portrait with the Latin words DIRIGE DEUS GRESSUS MEOS (May God Guide My Steps).

If you don’t have this coin in your collection yet, Change Checker has strictly limited stock remaining. Secure yours here >>

2002 UK Golden Jubilee £5

In 2002, to mark the 50th anniversary of the Queen’s accession to the throne, the Royal Mint produced this £5 coin.

On one side appears an unusual bust portrait of the Queen wearing the robes of state. The dramatic impact of this motif are heightened by the absence of any inscription other than the value in small lettering around the foot.

The reverse design, as with the original Coronation crown of 1953 features the Queen on horseback. The Latin motto AMOR POPULI PRAESIDIUM REG(inae) meaning ‘The love of the people is the Queen’s protection’ was last used on the coinage of Charles I.

You can add this coin to your collection here >>

1993 UK 40th Anniversary of the Coronation £5

This £5 coin was issued to mark 40 years since the Queen’s coronation in 1953.

The obverse features the original portrait by Mary Gillick placed in a circle surrounded by eight mounted trumpeters of the Household Cavalry separated by swords and sceptres.

The reverse features the Crown of St Edward which was used at the Coronation, set within 40 radiating trumpets.

The words FAITH AND TRUTH I WILL BEAR UNTO YOU, from the Coronation oath, are inscribed at the top, with the double dates 1953 and 1993 appearing at the foot.

Change Checker has limited stock remaining of this coin. Secure one for your collection here >>

Vote for your favourite!

In celebration of the release of the brand new 2021 UK Queen Elizabeth II 95th Birthday £5, we want you to vote for your favourite coin commemorating Her Majesty.

Have your say:

Results will be revealed next Monday!

Secure the 2021 UK Queen Elizabeth II 95th Birthday £5

Secure the 2021 UK Queen Elizabeth II 95th Birthday £5 for JUST £10.99 (+p&p) here >>

Your coin will come in superior Brilliant Uncirculated quality presented in official Change Checker packaging.

The Giants of the Jurassic – brand new 2021 Mary Anning 50p Collection!

Are you ready to discover the mighty beasts of the sea and sky?

The Royal Mint have revealed a brand new 50p series celebrating Mary Anning and her fossil discoveries on the Jurassic coast.

Dimorphodon 50p

Secure the brand new 2021 UK Dimorphodon 50p for your collection today! Simply click here

The final coin in the series has JUST been released and it features a design of the Dimorphodon.

The Dimorphodon was a primitive flying reptile that coexisted during the age of the dinosaurs and was first discovered by Mary Anning in Dorset.

Whilst the Dimorphodon’s 1.7m wing-span is impressive, what makes this Jurassic Giant so unique, is that its name literally translates to ‘two-form tooth’. This is due to the Dimorphodon having several large pointed teeth in the front of its jaws and much smaller ones set in the back.

The design of this brand new 50p shows both of these features in perfect detail, with the creature’s wings spanning across nearly the entire diameter of the coin and its sharp teeth in clear view.

This series has proven incredibly popular with collectors, with the Temnodontosaurus and Plesiosaurus 50p coins having taken the collecting world by storm.

Today, you can secure the brand new 2021 UK Dimorphodon 50p for your collection in Brilliant Uncirculated quality for JUST £4.50 (+p&p). To order yours, simply click here >>

What’s more, you can also order the Temnodontosaurus 50p and the Plesiosaurus 50p coins in Brilliant Uncirculated quality.

Pre-order the 2021 UK Dimorphodon 50p, by clicking here >>

To secure the 2021 UK Plesiosaurus 50p for JUST £4.50 (+p&p), click here >>

To secure the 2021 UK Temnodontosaurus 50p for JUST £4.50 (+p&p), click here >>

Plesiosaurus 50p

The second coin in the series celebrates one of the Jurassic Coast’s greatest marine reptiles, the Plesiosaurus.

Secure the 2021 UK Plesiosaurus 50p for your collection by clicking here >>

The Plesiosaurus was about 4.5 metres in length and is estimated to have weighed about 45 tonnes (that’s about 7 elephants!)

But what makes this Jurassic Giant so unique, is the power of its bite! It’s estimated that the Plesiosaurus had the largest bite force of any known animal and with teeth as sharp as needles, there’s no doubt this reptile dominated the oceans!

If you look closely, you can even see this Jurassic Giant’s teeth in the design of this 50p coin!

To secure your 2021 UK Plesiosaurus 50p in official Change Checker packaging, simply click here >>

Temnodontosaurus 50p

The first coin in the series celebrates Mary Anning’s very first ichthyosaur, the Temnodontosaurus.

Secure yours for your collection for JUST £4.50 (+p&p) here >>

The ‘cutting tooth lizard’ (as it’s otherwise known) is one of the largest ichthyosaurs to have been discovered by Mary Anning in Lyme Regis, Dorset.

This apex marine predator hunted in the deep ocean millions of years ago, but now this prehistoric beast has been brought to life once more – its likeness captured in exquisite detail on this brand new 50p.

This was first coin in the series to have been issued and you can secure one for your collection in Brilliant Uncirculated quality for JUST £4.50 (+p&p). To secure yours in official Change Checker packaging, simply click here >>

The Unsung Hero of Fossil Discovery

Mary Anning is remembered as being one of the greatest fossil hunters and paleontologists to have ever lived.

At the start of her career, she claimed her excavations were merely to explore her ‘curiosities’. Later, she was to discover remains of some of the greatest creatures to have ever swam in our shores and soared in our skies.

Famous in her home town of Lyme Regis, Dorset, Anning’s work left a legacy of fossil hunting, paleontology and science

Dinosaur fans and historians alike, still flock to the seaside town in their thousands every year to learn more about her discoveries and to try and unearth their very own creatures in the sand and rocks!

Sought-after Series

This collection follows in the gigantic footsteps of the 2020 Dinosauria 50p series, which brought us the Megalosaurus, Iguanodon, and Hylaeosaurus 50p coins.

These coins were a definite numismatic highlight of 2020, with collectors quickly snapping up these dino-mite coins for their own collections. This was the FIRST-TIME ever that Dinosaurs featured on a UK coin and this year the theme continues with three prehistoric creatures being celebrated on coins.

In 2021, we get up close and personal with the Jurassic giants of the sea and air, with the Mary Anning 50p Collection.

Each coin in the collection has been designed by renowned British palaeo-artist Robert Nicholls with the expert guidance of Sandra Chapman of the Earth Sciences Department of the Natural History Museum.

It’s fair to say that the influence of the designs from the Natural History Museum will certainly make these coins popular with dinosaur fans and collectors alike!

Will you be securing these coins for your collection?

Let us know in the comments which Mary Anning 50p is your favourite from the collection!

Secure the 2021 Dimorphodon 50p in Brilliant Uncirculated quality!

You can secure the brand new 2021 UK Dimorphodon 50p for your collection in Brilliant Uncirculated quality and in official Change Checker packaging for JUST £4.50 (+p&p) by clicking here >>

You can also order the complete set of three 2021 UK Mary Anning 50p coins by clicking here >>

New 50p and 10p entries! Your Scarcity Index Update…

It’s time for your latest Scarcity Index update, where we reveal the UK’s most sought-after circulation coins of the last three months! And it’s all change once more, as we see some new entrants to our 50p and 10p Indexes…

Following the confirmation of the 2019 mintages at the beginning of the month, we’ve updated our 50p and 10p index to include the Sherlock Holmes 50p, Paddington at the Tower of London 50p, Paddington at St. Paul’s Cathedral 50p, and we’ve updated the total mintages for the A-Z 10p coins.

Whilst these figures have only just been released and we’ll most likely see the effect this has on the Index in the next quarter, there’s been a lot movement across the board in this update…

A-Z 10p Scarcity Index

There’s been another big mix up in our latest A-Z 10p Scarcity Index, with our biggest climber, Q for Queue, jumping up a huge 13 places!

The Yeoman Warder 10p has also knocked the Tea 10p off the top spot where it was sitting comfortably for the previous two quarters!

We’ve seen the Robin 10p climb four spaces – no doubt due to that incredibly low 2019 mintage of just 64,000. This takes the combined 2018 and 2019 mintages for this coin to 284,000.

In fact, all of the lower mintage A-Z 10ps have shot to the top of the index. The Y, Z, and W 10ps all have a 2019 mintage of JUST 63,000 and now all sit in the top 4!

Regardless of where they feature in the above index, if you have any of the A-Z 10ps in your collection you should consider yourself very lucky. A maximum of only 304,000 of each design entered circulation!

Find out which coins in the series have the lowest mintages here >>

50p Scarcity Index

The top of our Scarcity Index remains consistent with our last update with the Judo 50p sitting just below the Kew Gardens 50p.

However, there’s been a lot of shuffling in the middle and lower third of the index, with the Pentathlon 50p climbing 10 spots and the Taekwondo 50p dropping 10! Last index the Taekwondo 50p climbed 11 so it’s interesting to see it fall back down this quarter.

Now that we have the mintages for the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (Sherlock) 50p and the 2019 Paddington coins, we’ve seen these enter the index relatively low.

Whilst both coins are relatively common (8,602,000 Sherlock Holmes 50ps entered circulation and 9,001,000 of each 2019 Paddington coins entered circulation) we’re excited to see how the confirmation of their mintages effects their place on our next Scarcity Index update…

£2 Scarcity Index

Once again we’ve seen a reshuffling of the Commonwealth Games coins at the top of the Index, with the Commonwealth Games Wales £2 climbing back into the top 4.

There’s been a fair bit of shuffling around in the rest of the index, with the Florence Nightingale £2 climbing 8 places this quarter! The Act of Union £2 has also dropped 6 places in this update. These are definitely the coins to watch over the next few quarters…

There’s no doubt that the Treasury’s announcement of having no plans to issue any £2 coins into circulation for the next 10 years has caused a bit of shuffling in this index and we’ll no doubt see this effect trickle into the next few updates.

How your Scarcity Index works

Generally collectors have had to rely upon mintage figures to identify the scarcest coins.  But they only tell part of the story.  Trying to find a good quality coin from 15 – 20 years ago, even for a higher mintage issue, is much more challenging than a more recent issue, as coins become damaged over time and are ultimately removed from circulation.

Additionally, some designs are more hoarded than others by people who might not normally collect coins – the poignant First World War £2 Coin series being an example. Finally, it can be up to a couple of years before the Royal Mint eventually confirms the actual mintage for an issue.

That’s why we have combined the mintage information with two other key pieces of information.

  • How many of each design are listed as “collected” by Change Checkers, indicating the relative ease of finding a particular coin.
  • The number of times a design has been requested as a swap over the previous 3 months, showing the current level of collector demand.

Importantly, as new coins are released and popularity rises and falls across different designs the Scarcity Index will be updated quarterly allowing Change Checkers to track the relative performance of the UK’s circulation coins.

How much are my coins worth?

The Scarcity Index does not necessarily equate to value but it is certainly an effective indicator.  For example, the Kew Gardens 50p coin commands a premium of up to 200 times face value on eBay.

You can use the 6 point guide to help you determine a more realistic value for your coins.

What about £1 Coins?

The £1 Scarcity Index has already been published for the Round £1 coins and, because they are no longer being issued, this is now set in stone.

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Join the Change Checker UK CERTIFIED BU Subscription Service and receive new UK coins sent to your door without the hassle of placing orders on the day of release!

Don’t miss your chance to get ahead of the crowd and be one of the very first collectors to receive the latest UK new issue coins as soon as possible after their release.

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