200 years since the birth of a monster…

This year celebrates the 200th birthday of one of the most infamous fictional characters in historic literature – Frankenstein’s Monster!

Frankenstein. Credit: pixabay.com

With film adaptations across various genres, from the quasi-rock opera The Rocky Horror Picture Show to sci-fi classics like Prometheus, the tale of the dysfunctional Victor Frankenstein and his mad scientific invention is known by all of us in some shape or form.

In the gothic tale – written by Mary Shelley – an obsessed Victor Frankenstein attempts to bring a corpse back to life in his laboratory through mad methods of chemistry, alchemy and a ‘flash’ of electricity.

To celebrate this important literary bi-centenary The Royal Mint has released a commemorative £2. The reverse features the word ‘Frankenstein’ in electric gothic font, along with ‘Bicentenary of Mary Shelley’s The Modern Prometheus’ written around the edge.

The edge inscription reads ‘A spark of being’, the words of Dr Victor Frankenstein when he creates ‘creature’.

We haven’t seen anything quite like this in a coin design before and since the design was revealed at the start of the year there has been a huge response from excited collectors looking to get their hands on this unusual coin.

What do you think of this new £2 coin? Let us know in the comments below!

Commemorate 200 years of Mary Shelley’s exceptional novel with the ‘Frankenstein’ BU £2

This striking £2 coin is now available to add to your collection in Brilliant Uncirculated quality.

Collectors interest is expected to be ‘monstrous’, so click here to order yours now >>>

The coin re-issued for Isle of Man TT fans…

For two weeks of the year since 1907, the small island of the Isle of Man plays host to the most dangerous motor racing event in the world…

The prestigious Isle of Man TT takes place on public roads spanning 37.73 miles around the island, with over 200 sharp twists and bends and rising up to 1,300ft off sea-level!

Michael Dunlop at St Ninian's crossroads in PokerStars Senior TT Race: Photo credit Dave Kneen/Pacemaker Press Intl

Michael Dunlop at St Ninian’s Crossroads. Credit: Official IoM TT website, www.iomtt.com

Last year, to celebrate the 110th anniversary of the TT Races, a £5 was issued depicting the famous Senior TT Trophy to celebrate the renowned event.

And the popularity of the Isle of Man TT races has resulted in a very special release for 2018…

The coin has been re-issued and re-dated for 2018. The brand new coin features the same design as last year, depicting the esteemed senior TT racing trophy, the pinnacle of road racing awards. The trophy itself features Mercury, the Winged God of the Messengers from Roman Mythology standing atop a winged wheel.

As collectors know, a re-struck coin does not happen very often so we expect this to be snapped up quickly.


Special 2018 striking date IOM TT Races Senior Trophy £5 

The ultimate addition to any coin collection. The coin features the IOM TT Senior Trophy with a special 2018 striking date – a rare occurrence and one that will make this coin hugely collectable to not only TT Race fans but sharp-eyed collectors.

Secure your 2018 Isle of Man TT Senior Trophy £5 coin today >>>

The $1 Coin Series set to become a Collecting Phenomenon…

We’ve been admiring US coinage recently and if you’ve read our previous blog detailing the series that half of American collected, you’ll be very excited to hear that starting from 2019, the United States Mint will begin minting and issuing the American Innovation $1 Coin Act – a brand new coin series honouring American innovation.

This latest numismatic programme looks set to follow on from the success and popularity of the US Territories Quarters series mentioned above, which not only kick started coin collecting in America, but worldwide!

Each coin represents its own state and will be released in the order that its respective state was ratified in the Constitution of the United States and admitted to the Union.

Candidate designs developed for the 2018 American Innovation $1 Coin Program in accordance with the Act that authorized them. Credit: www.usmint.gov


Released over a 14 year period, these coins will all bear an obverse with the Statue of Liberty and the inscriptions of “$1” and “In God We Trust”. The reverse images will be representative of a significant innovation, an innovator/group of innovators from each of the 50 states, the District of Columbia and the territories of the US. The reverse designs will be selected by the Secretary of the Treasury after consultation with each Governor, chief executive and the U.S Commission of Fine Arts.

Most excitingly, the first introductory coin is set to be released later this year! The reverse of this coin will be inscribed with “United States of America” and “American Innovators,” and it will include a representation of President George Washington’s signature on the first U.S. patent.

Following this introductory coin, the rest will be released at a rate of 4 coins per year.  Just like the US State Quarters Series, The American $1 coins are expected to rapidly become one of the most widely collected series. But will you be collecting these new US $1 coins? Let us know in the comments below!


Start collecting US coins today!


2009 District of Columbia and United States Territories Quarters! Credit: usacoinbook.com


Start your very own journey into US coin collecting with the US State Quarters that Half of America Collected…

Secure the 6 MOST WANTED US Quarters for just £15 >>