Just Discovered: Rare “Inverted Effigy” £2 Coin

It’s time to really start examining your change again.

Change Checker has just been able to confirm that a small number of “Inverted Effigy” £2 Coins have entered circulation.

The Inverted Effigy Coin has the Queen’s head rotated clockwise by approximately 150 degrees

First discovered by a Change Checker, and now confirmed as genuine by The Royal Mint, this unusual strike appears on a handful of the 2015 Britannia £2 Coins.

The Royal Mint has accounted for the seemingly impossible misalignment of the Queen’s effigy as almost certainly the result of one of the dies working loose and rotating during the striking process”.

The result is that the Queen’s head is offset by around 150 degrees compared to the Britannia design on the reverse of the coin.

Just how rare is the Inverted Effigy £2 Britannia?

The Royal Mint is unable to give any indication of how many Inverted Effigy coins have entered circulation but we can make some initial estimates.

britannia-two-pound-errorThe first-year 2015 £2 Britannia is already one of the most-scarce circulating £2 coins ever issued with just 650,000 coins passing through banks and cash centres.  That already places it third equal in the all-time low mintage charts.

We have analysed 5,000 circulation coins and our results suggest that the Inverted Effigy may have affected as few as 1 in 200 of the coins struck – in other words around just 3,250 coins.

Of course, if the Inverted Effigy is a consequence of the die slipping during the striking process, it is possible that there may be other variations where the Queen’s head is less or more misaligned as the die has worked its way out of position.

Errors, mis-strikes and myths

Of course, given the many million coins The Royal Mint strike each year, it is to their immense credit that mis-strikes and errors are so few and far between.  But, of course, when they do arise, they cause great collector excitement, as some of these other examples pay testament to.

But there are a few myths out there too – upside down edge lettering, the “Pemember” Gunpowder Plot £2 coin and the “Necklace” £2 coin, which all have perfectly normal explanations.

Buyers beware

But finally a note of caution.  I’m sure in time we’ll see some “examples” of the Inverted Effigy £2 for sale online.  Before you think of buying one, please beware.  Are you seeing a genuine Inverted Effigy or just a coin that someone has rotated in a photograph to make it look inverted?

Pride without prejudice – how Jane Austen came to appear on our coins and banknotes in 2017.

2017 marks 200 years since the death of Jane Austen – one of the best-loved English novelists of all time. And to celebrate such an inspirational female figure, both The Royal Mint and the Bank of England chose to honour her on a brand new coin and banknote.

People power wins

Back in May 2013, a petition to ‘keep a woman on English banknotes’ gained momentum. Over 35,000 people signed the petition after it was announced that Winston Churchill would replace social reformer Elizabeth Fry as the face of the £5 note in 2016. At the time this meant that other than the Queen, there would be no women featuring on English banknotes.

However, people power won as Jane Austen became the new face of the polymer £10 note in 2017, replacing Charles Darwin.

It is thought that Jane Austen was already part of the Bank’s plans for the next new note as in a statement the Bank said it was “never the Bank’s intention” that none of the four characters on banknotes would be a woman.

The Bank of England have featured characters on their banknotes since 1970 to celebrate individuals that have shaped British thought, innovation, leadership, values and society.

Jane Austen is the 17th historical figure to feature on a Bank of England note.

So not only does Jane Austen feature on the new £10 note, The Royal Mint also feature this inspirational author on the new 2017 £2 coin.  Designed by Dominique Evans, the new £2 features a silhouette of Jane Austen with the dates 1817-2017.

The £2 coin issued by The Royal Mint has been struck to mark the 200th anniversary of the death of Jane Austen, one of the best-loved English novelists.



This £2 for 2017 was struck to mark the 200th anniversary of the death of Jane Austen.


This was the first time ever that someone featured on a circulation coin and banknote at the same time – other than the reigning monarch.

A tiny portrait of Jane Austen also appears on four of the new polymer £5 notes as a microscopic engraving produced by Specialist micro-engraver Graham Short. The collector’s items are said to be worth over £20,000 each!


Own the 2017 Jane Austen £2 Coin and £10 Banknote Pack


This is your opportunity to receive one of the very first Polymer £10 notes issued in perfect mint condition alongside the 2017 Jane Austen £2 Coin issued by The Royal Mint.

Click here to secure yours >>

A work of art – Latvia’s innovative ‘Earth’ Coin

Latvia has issued an innovative new coin. So unique in fact, it is considered a work of art.

Not only is the design beautiful, from a technological point of view, it is hard to fault; mainly because the coin is translucent.


The ‘Earth’ coin has been made from translucent perlucor, a ceramic material that is used in laser, military and medical equipment engineering among other things.

The symbolic ‘jewel-like’ Earth at the centre of the coin is enclosed by a transparent veil that represents the Universe. The planet earth is floating in the middle and the perlucor is enclosed by an outer silver ring which holds everything in place.

Designed by architect M. Kalninš, his original idea of a translucent coin came out as top winner at the Latvian Bank’s competition of innovative euro coins in 2015. Struck by the Lithuanian Mint, the coin is enjoying high demand from the numismatic community for its unique design which is viewed as a work of art.

However, if you want one, they are only available to purchase at the Bank of Latvia Cashier’s Office for 85 Euros. The number of coins available has been limited to a maximum of 5,000 so you ought to be quick.